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Monday, February 29, 2016

Tutorials:How To Opt Out Of Those Annoying MTN Subscription-Based Messages

Are you tired of those annoying messages from MTN giving you tips you most likely don't need?
How about the weekly and monthly deductions from your balance for subscriptions you probably did not remember registering? 

Here is a simple step by step process to opt out of those subscriptions

1. Dial *123*5*1# 

2. Reply with 2 to view active subscriptions.

3. Reply with serial number of any active subscription and follow the instruction that is displayed to unsubscribe.

Viola!!! You are done.

You can also dial *123*5*2#
and then reply with 8 to see list of active MTNplay services and unsubscribe from them.


1 comment:

  1. Very annoying, hope I'll finally dump them. Nairatrace.com

