HIDE ALL DRIVES FROM MY COMPUTER Collins Ngodili 5:50:00 PMTo disable the display of local or networked drives when you click My Computer. 1. Go to Start -> Run. Type regedit 2. Now go to: H... Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+
GET MAXIMUM SPEED WITH YOUR INTERNET DOWNLOAD MANAGER(IDM) Collins Ngodili 11:41:00 AMSometimes downloading files from the internet takes a long time. It is boring. Although Internet Download Manager (IDM) is known as the ... Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+
FREE BROWSING CONFIGURATION ON YOUR SAMSUNG PHONE Collins Ngodili 6:53:00 PMLet's use samsung A 877(impression) for instant CONFIGURATION To configure go to your settings => connectivity => Network pr... Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+
HOW TO IDENTIFY A PRIVATE NO I.D NUMBER Collins Ngodili 11:58:00 AMThis helps you to identify sombody who will always hide his number when calling but you have his/her number in your phone book. Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+